Mother’s Day—The Gift of Perfect Daughters

Courtney and Michelle

Yesterday, I shared how thankful I am for my three mothers. Today, I’d like to celebrate another gift from God—my two beautiful daughters.

For me, Mother’s Day focuses on my children. My calling came from God, “I give you these two babies … for a lifetime.”

“Thank you, God, for entrusting them to me. Learning from my mothers’ examples, I will love, nurture, and pray for them. I will teach them about You so they are prepared to serve You. Thank you for the best job ever!”

garnish in blue

I wrote the following essay to audition for Listen to Your Mother. While I wasn’t a finalist, it was a priceless experience to recount some of our daughters’ childhood stories and recall the richness of my life—all because of them.

Perfect Daughters, A Mother’s Reward

My first pregnancy was like going to heaven. I helped build my baby’s strong bones—one dish of ice cream at a time. People offered me their chairs. Others wanted to carry my packages. I sure felt like a queen!

A new queen took the throne on the day our daughter, Courtney, was born. Appropriately, the focus turned from me to the new little one in my arms. Time to put on my big girl panties—motherhood arrived!

Determined to be the perfect mother, I pampered her. Like Johnny-on-the-Spot, I jumped up for every little cry. I wiped her runny nose until it was red. I kissed all her boo-boos, patched them with Band-Aids, and added more kisses.

Just about the time I had motherhood figured out, I announced my next pregnancy. Carrying a toddler and several shopping bags while pregnant didn’t evoke the same feelings of sympathy from passersby. But, in those two years, I seemed to have grown twelve hands, and was pretty self-sufficient.

All the pampering flew out the window when Michelle, our second daughter, was born. If she fell, I’d say: Jump up! Brush it off! Throw it away! Sometimes I missed seeing her runny nose until she was licking the snot from her lips. Yep, times were busier with two children, and certainly more laid back.

Children can be very opposite, and our family was no exception. Courtney was our book reader and adverse to risk. Michelle was our daredevil and limit-pusher.

One of the many mom rewards is spending time with her children. Our favorite activity was baking chocolate chip cookies. I taught the girls about the danger of getting too close to the mixer’s whirling beaters. To avoid injury, the girls measured the ingredients, and I added them to the mixing bowl.

One baking day, while they were measuring, I turned around to grab another ingredient. Yes, I should have turned off the mixer, but I didn’t. Courtney, my risk-adverse guard, was standing by. I guess Michelle couldn’t see inside the turning bowl, so she leaned a little closer. Suddenly, I heard panicked cries for help. I dove toward the girls. Michelle’s blonde hair was entangled with dough, and the still-moving beaters were smacking the side of her head.

I turned off the mixer and removed the beaters. Then I pulled two scared little girls into my arms. Once Michelle’s clean hair was in a ponytail, we threw out the batter and started over.

When we moved to Memphis, we intentionally chose a neighborhood of new homes with young families, lots of kids, and a cul-de-sac for safety. Naturally, new construction provides an amusement park of fun. There were mounds of dirt to climb and slide down. There were pieces of wood with which to build walkways. However, sometimes the wood had nails jutting upward. So I cautioned the girls to be vigilant when playing in these areas.

One day, Michelle came limping into the house, crying hysterically. Blood was oozing from where a rusty nail had penetrated the sole of her once-white Keds and then pierced her foot. I snatched her up into my arms and my husband drove us to the emergency room. Much to her chagrin, Michelle received a tetanus shot, with a big needle.

In her young adult years, Michelle brought the story back to life as she revealed it actually wasn’t an accident. Instead, it was the result of a dare—to see who could stand on top of the nail the longest.

When the girls started school, our house was a few blocks from the bus stop. On rainy days, I drove those few blocks, and we waited in the car for the bus to arrive. If driving to the bus stop to keep my girls dry would get me the Mother-of-the-Year Award, then drive I must!

One of those rainy days, Courtney and I were chatting in the front while Michelle was singing in the back. When the rain started to come down harder, I pulled on the electric window lever and started to close all the windows.

Michelle’s little voice said, “Mom, put the window down.”

Without turning around I replied, “Oh no, honey, it’s raining too hard.”


I turned to see her head stuck in the almost-closed window. Her smashed little guppy lips, were pleading for help. Sheepishly, I put the window down.

In spite of the childhood mishaps, motherhood has privileges beyond any other calling. I found rewards in things like teaching my daughters’ about life while their eyes reflected amazement, feeling their little fingers play with my hair, a hug from their tiny arms, the privilege of listening to their secrets, and hearing their voices say “I love you, Mom.”

And now in adulthood, the girls and I reminisce and laugh about the many crazy childhood stories. Our bond is anchored as best friends.

I’m not the perfect mother, but I’ve got perfect daughters … perfect for our family.

garnish in blue

P.S. Congratulations to my author friend, Dorothy Hill, who was selected for the cast of the 2016 Listen To Your Mother, Little Rock. You can also follow her blog, Dorothy’s Desk.

Mother’s Day–Celebrating My Angels

Peona for Mothers Day

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.   Exodus 20:12

Mother’s Day celebrates those women who spend nine months being pampered while they carry a new life in their wombs. Pampering is the reward they receive while their bodies are ravaged with morning sickness, imbalanced thermostats, the inability to reach—or even see—their ten toes. Finally, they experience the pains of birth as their child enters the world.

Miraculously, looking into the innocent, dependent face of their newborn annihilates the memory of pain suffered in childbirth. They lavish their new baby with love.

Whether you’ve become a mother through blood, marriage, or adoption, it’s at this point that a mother is responsible for influencing and nurturing another’s life. Not just until the child leaves the home or becomes an adult, but until that child and mother are separated from this earth. We are never too old to need our mothers.

This privileged God-given role for a woman has been held in high esteem since the beginning of time. Indeed, it is a place of honor.

Today, on the beginning of Mother’s Day 2016 weekend, I would like to do just that: honor my mothers. I’ve been blessed to have the influence of three mothers actually. Louise (my birth mother), Doris (my stepmother), and Ruth (my mother-in-law).

What follows is a snapshot of the memories and gratitude I hold in my heart for these women. Each came into my life at different stages with unique influences and divine roles.


Ruth was the birthmother to my husband and his sister. Like Ruth of biblical days, she was a loyal lover of her family. Ruth was an industrious woman who loved to cook and bake. She took food to those who suffered from illness or had deaths in the family. She possessed a servant’s heart. As a creative woman, there wasn’t a craft she didn’t know how to make. She patiently taught me how to stitch and sew (and rip out mistakes even when I didn’t want to) projects of which I could be proud.

Ruth, who is in heaven now, was especially gifted with a listening ear, discernment, and sage advice. I was blessed to have her be a part of my life for 20 years.


Doris is the birth mother to six children and a stepmother to four more. She makes time to see beautiful details around her. Like the baby bluebirds in the birdhouse that hangs in her rose garden. Hospitality is her gift. With flowers cut from her garden and placed in vases all around her house, she whips up food for friends to come enjoy and relax in her home. Having experienced much joy and pain in life, she lends an understanding ear and imparts grace and mercy. As a tenderhearted prayer warrior, she kneels before God bringing all  concerns for her family. Thankfully, Doris has been my mom for 37 years.


Louise, my Mother, and I have been together now for almost 60 years. I’m the oldest of her four children. She must have the best sense of humor to endure our pranks. For example, salt in her glass of water at dinner, or chocolate-covered dog food to look like chocolate-covered peanuts. Mother laughs easily and seems to know kids will be kids.

Mother sewed many dresses for her daughters—even matching smocked Easter dresses as was once fashionable. Mother loves holidays, especially Halloween and Christmas. We always had special foods and decorations for these events.

Some other especially delightful memories are that she helped teach me to drive (bless her heart!), and threw a surprise 16th birthday party for me.

Mother has showed me her love in many ways. Her most valuable gift to me is a love for God. She taught me to memorize Bible verses, pray without ceasing, and accept Jesus into my heart as my Savior.

Life requires much navigation. God called these three godly women to mentor and guide me. I pray that my daughters will also be deeply rooted in this generational blessing.

Thank you, Lord, for creating mothers. Indeed, they are your angels—messengers of love.

Happy Mother’s Day!